TRIP: A Cosmic Adventure for Two

TRIP: A Cosmic Adventure for Two places two players at the helm of a spaceship, which they must pilot while vividly hallucinating. Each player views a game screen with different information required for the other player to complete the game, and players cannot see one another’s screens. The spaceship’s driver cannot see out the front window of the spaceship, and drives the spaceship through each level by tilting a balance ball with their feet.

The drive relies on the navigator’s directions to pilot the ship. Meanwhile, the NAVIGATOR must respond to time-sensitive ship crises by interacting with one of sixteen strangely-shaped sliders, buttons, and levers on a control panel. The navigator, however, cannot see what control they must interact with, and these objects must be described to the by the driver. The resulting gameplay is hectic and hilarious as players try to yell over each other, describe weird-looking objects, and attempt to survive in space without destroying their ship and reaching GAME OVER.